Ratings Releases
19 April 2017 The Beacon Insurance Company Ltd
CariCRIS reaffirms “good creditworthiness” ratings for The Beacon Insurance Company Limited
20 April 2017 Millennium Investments Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms “adequate” Corporate Credit Ratings to Millennium Investments Limited
27 April 2017 VENTURE Credit Union
CariCRIS reaffirms “adequate creditworthiness” ratings for VENTURE Credit Union Co-operative Society Limited
02 May 2017 NCB Capital Markets Limited
CariCRIS assigns “adequate creditworthiness” credit ratings to the US $122 million bond issue of NCB Capital Markets Limited
21 June 2017 The Government of the British Virgin Islands (GoBVI)
CariCRIS assigns “high creditworthiness” issuer credit ratings to the Government of the British Virgin Islands
27 June 2017 Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation Limited (PLIPDECO)
CariCRIS reaffirms “good creditworthiness” ratings for Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation Limited
28 June 2017 RHAND Credit Union Co-operative Society Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘adequate’ corporate credit ratings for RHAND Credit Union Co-operative Society Limited
30 June 2017 Eastern Caribbean Home Mortgage Bank
CariCRIS reaffirms “adequate” creditworthiness for Eastern Caribbean Home Mortgage Bank
30 June 2017 Bourse Securities Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms “good creditworthiness” ratings for Bourse Securities Limited
04 July 2017 Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica
CariCRIS reaffirms “below average creditworthiness” ratings for The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘adequate creditworthiness’ ratings for The Government of Saint Lucia
07 July 2017 Development Bank of Jamaica Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms “adequate creditworthiness” credit ratings for Development Bank of Jamaica Limited
10 July 2017 Goddard Enterprises Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms “high creditworthiness” ratings for Goddard Enterprises Limited
CariCRIS assigns ‘adequate creditworthiness’ ratings for The Government of Saint Lucia’s proposed bond issues of EC $208 million and EC $261 million
18 September 2017 The Government of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
CariCRIS reaffirms “high creditworthiness” ratings for the Government of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
25 October 2017 The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms its ratings for The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited
05 October 2017 Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance Company Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms “high creditworthiness” credit ratings for Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance Company Limited
05 October 2017 NCB Capital Markets Limited
CariCRIS upgrades the ratings of NCB Capital Markets Limited
09 October 2017 The Government of Anguilla
The Government of Anguilla placed on Rating Watch – Developing
09 October 2017 The Government of the British Virgin Islands
The Government of the British Virgin Islands placed on Rating Watch - Developing