Ratings Releases
21 May 2021 NiQuan Energy Trinidad Limited
CariCRIS lowers the ratings on NiQuan Energy Trinidad Limited
07 June 2021 Seprod Limited (Seprod)
CariCRIS assigns ‘good creditworthiness’ ratings for Seprod Limited
11 June 2021 Development Finance Limited
CariCRIS assigns ‘high’ creditworthiness ratings to the proposed bond issue of TT $150 million of Development Finance Limited
24 June 2021 Eastern Credit Union Co-operative Society Limited
CariCRIS lowers its ratings for Eastern Credit Union Co-operative Society Limited
28 June 2021 Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica
CariCRIS reaffirms its credit ratings for the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica; Outlook Stable
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘good creditworthiness’ ratings for Goddard Enterprises Limited
Goddard Enterprises Limited– Withdrawal of Corporate Credit Ratings
29 June 2021 The Jamaica National Group Limited (JN Group)
CariCRIS assigns “good creditworthiness” ratings to the J $4.6 billion debt issue of The Jamaica National Group Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘adequate creditworthiness’ ratings for The Government of Saint Lucia
01 July 2021 Development Bank of Jamaica Limited
CariCRIS lowers its credit ratings for Development Bank of Jamaica Limited
02 July 2021 NCB Merchant Bank (T&T) Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms overall ‘good creditworthiness’ ratings for NCB Merchant Bank (T&T) Limited
07 July 2021 Bourse Securities Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘good creditworthiness’ ratings for Bourse Securities Limited
12 July 2021 JMMB International Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘good creditworthiness’ ratings to the US $120 million bond issue of JMMB International Limited
16 July 2021 Sage Power Limited
CariCRIS assigns ‘good’ creditworthiness ratings to the proposed bond issue of up to US $285 million of Sage Power Limited
30 July 2021 The Beacon Insurance Company Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms “good creditworthiness” ratings for The Beacon Insurance Company Limited
16 August 2021 Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation Limited (PLIPDECO)
CariCRIS reaffirms “good creditworthiness” ratings for Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation Limited
17 August 2021 Sagicor Financial Company Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘high creditworthiness’ ratings to the US $76 million or Jamaican Dollar equivalent bond issue by Sagicor Financial Company Limited
18 August 2021 The Government of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
CariCRIS lowers the sovereign issuer ratings assigned to the Government of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
15 September 2021 Eastern Caribbean Home Mortgage Bank
CariCRIS upgrades its credit ratings for Eastern Caribbean Home Mortgage Bank
27 September 2021 Sygnus Credit Investments Limited
CariCRIS assigns Corporate Credit ratings for Sygnus Credit Investments Limited