Ratings Releases
01 September 2022 Eastern Caribbean Home Mortgage Bank
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘good creditworthiness’ ratings for Eastern Caribbean Home Mortgage Bank
01 September 2022 The Jamaica National Group Limited - Withdrawal of Issue Credit Ratings
The Jamaica National Group Limited – Withdrawal of Issue Credit Ratings
08 September 2022 Development Bank of Jamaica Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms its credit ratings for Development Bank of Jamaica Limited
09 September 2022 Victoria Mutual Investments Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms overall ‘adequate creditworthiness’ ratings for Victoria Mutual Investments Limited
13 September 2022 Sygnus Credit Investments Limited
CariCRIS upgrades its Corporate Credit Ratings for Sygnus Credit Investments Limited
20 September 2022 Colonial Fire & General Insurance Company Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms “good creditworthiness” credit ratings to Colonial Fire & General Insurance Company Limited
21 September 2022 Poly Pet Company Limited
CariCRIS downgrades its credit ratings for Poly Pet Company Limited
22 September 2022 Home Mortgage Bank
CariCRIS reaffirms its corporate credit ratings for Home Mortgage Bank
26 September 2022 Supreme Ventures Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘good creditworthiness’ ratings to Supreme Ventures Limited
27 September 2022 JMMB Group Limited
CariCRIS upgrades its Corporate Credit Ratings for JMMB Group Limited
28 October 2022 Guardian Holdings Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘good creditworthiness’ ratings for Guardian Holdings Limited (GHL)
29 September 2022 Government of Anguilla
CariCRIS reaffirms “adequate creditworthiness” ratings for The Government of Anguilla
29 September 2022 National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms “good” creditworthiness ratings for National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited
29 September 2022 NCB Capital Markets (Barbados) Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms its credit ratings for NCB Capital Markets (Barbados) Limited
29 September 2022 NCB (Cayman) Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms ‘good creditworthiness’ ratings for NCB (Cayman) Limited
26 October 2022 NCB Merchant Bank (T & T) Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms overall ‘good creditworthiness’ ratings for NCB Merchant Bank (Trinidad & Tobago) Limited
28 October 2022 NCB Financial Group Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms “high” creditworthiness ratings of NCB Financial Group Limited
04 October 2022 Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Company Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms the corporate credit ratings for Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance Company Limited
15 September 2022 Government of Saint Lucia
CariCRIS reaffirms “adequate creditworthiness” ratings for The Government of Saint Lucia
20 October 2022 The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited
CariCRIS reaffirms its ratings for The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited